Navin's story on his journey from MD to VC and how to leverage the underdog mentality to move forward. Physician Underdog™ offers a way to grow your mindset and leverage your skill sets to keep growing and find fulfillment.
Helping Physicians discover how to leverage their skills outside of their medical practice to earn extra money and grow their impact.
As an anesthesiologist, I lacked the control I thought I would have after becoming an expert in the field, and didn't feel like I was continuously learning new skills and knowledge.
As an entrepreneur, there are so many obstacles within and out of our control that can affect the health of the business. Raising capital and building partnerships with the right people is always challenging.
As an investor, it's an uphill battle in an industry where transparency, a learning culture, and kindness aren't woven into the fabric.
As a father, there are things we can't control, and with the accelerating change of the world around us, I am trying hard to be nurturing while empowering.